Thursday, July 5, 2007

Amazing Vanilla Berry Dream

This stuff really is dreamy. So, so, so good and super easy. The perfect Summer treat.

1 small pkg. instant vanilla pudding
1 quart vanilla yogurt
8 oz. whipping cream, whipped
1 bag frozen raspberries (or any berry mixture... I definitely prefer the raspberries)

1. Mix the pudding mix straight into the yogurt. Stir until well blended. You may have to use your hand mixer.

2. Fold the whipped cream into the yogurt mixture.

3. Right before serving, fold your partially defrosted berries in. If you mix them in any sooner, they'll discolor your pudding mixture and it won't look as pretty. And you want your pudding pretty!


  1. did Dacia help you do that headline thing? with the picture in the background and stuff? i bet she did!!! :)
    i want to add something to this site too...
    but first I'll have to decide if I've ever made anything that was tasty, where I didn't get the original recipe from you or mom! ;)

  2. Thanks for making this for us!! It was super tasty, I was just sad that it was gone so quickly!!

  3. Mami made this for us on one of the nights we were at her house. It was SOOOO good.

  4. so...this dessert really is super amazingly yummy. mommy made it...and it was to die for.
