Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Yummy Taco Soup

This was a recipe I got when we were up at the Brasher's cabin a while back. Kellie made this super yummy taco soup, so I got to get the recipe and tried it out tonight! It was yummy!

1 lb. ground beef
1 onion
1 28 oz. can of stewed tomatoes (I used one can of tomatoes and then peeled 4 or 5 others and put them in with a small can of tomatoe paste and water)
1 16 oz. can kidney beans, undrained
1 16 oz. can corn (I used a cup or so of frozen corn instead)
1 pkg. taco seasoning

Brown the beef and onion. Drain. Stir in tomatoes, beans, corn and taco seasoning. Simmer for 1/2 hr. uncovered. Serve with with chips, grated cheese and sour cream.

Since I added more tomatoes from the garden, I had to add the tomato paste and a lot of extra water to get the right consistency. I also added a bunch more taco seasoning, and salt and wooster sauce. It was really good and makes enough for plenty of leftovers. It's great for people who like really meaty soup!

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