Thursday, February 14, 2019

Perfect Steak

My neighbor is quite the grill master. He taught me how to make steaks awhile back and when I finally did it (I had to borrow a cast iron pan from him) they truly were the best steaks I've ever had. I don't make steak very often so I keep forgetting what to do, so I thought I'd better write it down so I can stop calling him every time we have steak. :)

This is very general, so sorry about that.

Preheat oven to 350.

Season your steaks how you like - I like to use Garlic salt, pepper and a seasoning that my neighbor actually made and gave us for Christmas. It's so good.

Heat a cast iron skillet on Medium-High heat. Melt 1-2 T. butter and wait until the butter is crackling and the pan is hot. Sear the steak on each side for 1-2 minutes (I've had really thick steaks before and do it a little longer because I don't like my steak too red in the middle).

Once they are seared on both sides, pop the whole pan into the preheated oven for 5-10 minutes. I can never tell when they are done since I'm a bum and haven't invested in a meat thermometer, so I just do a little slice to see how pink/red they are. If they are thin steaks, it's more like 5 minutes. I have had really thick steaks in the past and even cooked it for as long as 15 minutes to get the right doneness for me.

Once you pull them out, let them rest for 5 minutes before serving.